Invisalign: Fact Vs. Fiction

If you are looking for a way to straighten your smile, Invisalign clear aligners could be a fantastic solution. Howard Orthodontics is proud to offer Invisalign to our Willow Street patients. For those that want to straighten your smile without the appearance of metal braces, clear aligners could be the options for you.

Invisalign has been around for many years, yet some things need to be clarified surrounding this popular alternative to metal and clear braces. The innovative clear aligner system doesn’t require brackets, wires or bands to shift the teeth and still offers exceptional results. Join us as we dive into the truth about Invisalign clear aligners and how they work! 

Fiction #1: The Invisalign system is more challenging to maintain than braces.

We all know the importance of having a good oral hygiene routine. However, for those with braces, it can be a learning curve to navigate between brackets and wires. With Invisalign, you will never need to worry about those obstacles! Invisalign clear aligners are designed to be removed when brushing and flossing.

You may also wonder about food restrictions, which are commonly associated with braces. But that’s a thing of the past with Invisalign! You’re free to eat anything you want because clear aligners are designed to be removed before eating.

If you’re an athlete or musician, Invisalign may be the best option since it is designed to be removed for a short time. This is also useful for special occasions when you want your natural smile to shine.

Fiction #2: Treatment with Invisalign costs more than traditional braces.

The Invisalign system is relatively new compared to traditional braces. But, since the treatment has become more accessible and widespread over the years, the cost has decreased accordingly. Our team in Lancaster will walk you through the overall cost of your treatment before you begin.

Dr. Howard will consider multiple factors when determining the overall cost of your treatment, but Invisalign typically costs the same as braces. We want to keep your treatment affordable and efficient, so our team will work with you to create a payment plan that fits your budget. 

Fiction #3: Invisalign takes longer to work than traditional braces.

There is no concrete answer regarding treatment time with Invisalign. Like any orthodontic treatment plan, the time frame varies based on your needs and how well your teeth respond to treatment. 

You’ll be responsible for wearing your clear aligners for 20-22 hours each day throughout the process and switching to aligner trays every week. If these guidelines are not followed correctly, it could result in a longer treatment time. Invisalign patients at Howard Orthodontics spend up to 6-18 months in clear aligners, which means that treatment time can be faster than traditional braces.

Invisalign: Fact Vs. Fiction

Fact: You’ll see excellent results with Invisalign at Howard Orthodontics 

Dr. Howard has successfully treated hundreds of patients of all ages in the Willow Street area with Invisalign. Schedule your free consultation today, and Dr. Howard will determine the best treatment to fit your smile!